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Retirement Calculator Python Program

  1. Payroll Calculator Python

') retiredage = get_number('At which age do you plan to retire? ') pension = get_number('How much do you currently have saved for retirement?

Payroll Calculator Python

In this tutorial, we’ll go through how to make a simple command-line calculator program in Python 3. We’ll be using math operators, variables, conditional statements, functions, and take in user input to make our calculator. How can I find an age in python from today's date and a persons birthdate? Age from birthdate in python. From datetime import date def calculate_age(born).

At this point, we have a fully functional program, but we can’t perform a second or third operation without running the program again, so let’s add some more functionality to the program. Step 4 — Defining functions To handle the ability to perform the program as many times as the user wants, we’ll define some functions. Let’s first put our existing code block into a function. We’ll name the function calculate() and add an additional layer of indentation within the function itself.

As we build out our program, we want to make sure that each part is functioning correctly, so here we’ll start with setting up addition. We’ll add the two numbers within a print function so that the person using the calculator will be able to see the output. OutputPlease type in the math operation you would like to complete: + for addition - for subtraction * for multiplication / for division * Please enter the first number: 58 Please enter the second number: 40 58 * 40 = 2320 Because of how we structure the program, if the user enters% when asked for an operation at the first prompt, they won’t receive feedback to try again until after entering numbers. You may want to consider other possible options for handling various situations.

• Breaking these rules may result in post removal and/or ban from this subreddit. Guidelines Commenting • Try to guide OP to a solution instead of providing one directly. • Provide links to related resources.

– Dec 13 '15 at 4:26 •. Unfortunately, you cannot just use timedelata as the largest unit it uses is day and leap years will render you calculations invalid. Therefore, let's find number of years then adjust by one if the last year isn't full: from datetime import date birth_date = date(1980, 5, 26) years = - birth_date.year if ( - birth_date.replace( >= 0: age = years else: age = years - 1 Upd: This solution really causes an exception when Feb, 29 comes into play. Here's correct check: from datetime import date birth_date = date(1980, 5, 26) today = years = today.year - birth_date.year if all((x >= y) for x,y in zip(today.timetuple(), birth_date.timetuple()): age = years else: age = years - 1 Upd2: Calling multiple calls to now() a performance hit is ridiculous, it does not matter in all but extremely special cases. The real reason to use a variable is the risk of data incosistency. The classic gotcha in this scenario is what to do with people born on the 29th day of February. Example: you need to be aged 18 to vote, drive a car, buy alcohol, etc.

If you need to either install Python or set up the environment, you can do so by following the. Step 1 — Prompt users for input Calculators work best when a human provides equations for the computer to solve. We’ll start writing our program at the point where the human enters the numbers that they would like the computer to work with.

Introduction The Python programming language is a great tool to use when working with numbers and evaluating mathematical expressions. This quality can be utilized to make useful programs. This tutorial presents a learning exercise to help you make a simple command-line calculator program in Python 3. While we’ll go through one possibile way to make this program, there are many opportunities to improve the code and create a more robust calculator. We’ll be using,,,, and handle user input to make our calculator.

# Python Program - Make Simple Calculator print('1. Addition'); print('2.

Python Programming Code to Make Calculator Following python program provides options to the user and ask to enter his/her choice to perform and show the desired result as output. # Python Program - Make Simple Calculator print('1. Addition'); print('2. Subtraction'); print('3.

Expanding our example, the statement below will print the number 6. X = 5 x = x + 1 print(x) Statements are run sequentially.

Try updating the program to different values for miles driven and gallons used. Caution, common mistake! From this point forward, almost all code entered should be in a script/module. Do not type your program out on the IDLE >>> prompt. Code typed here is not saved. If this happens, it will be necessary to start over. This is a very common mistake for new programmers.

Figure 1.4: Error running MPG program The reason for this error can be demonstrated by changing the program a bit: miles_driven = input('Enter miles driven:') gallons_used = input('Enter gallons used:') x = miles_driven + gallons_used print('Sum of m + g:', x) Running the program above results in the output shown in Figure. Figure 1.5: Incorrect Addition The program doesn't add the two numbers together, it just puts one right after the other. This is because the program does not know the user will be entering numbers. The user might enter “Bob” and “Mary”, and adding those two variables together would be “BobMary”; which would make more sense. # Sample Python/Pygame Programs # Simpson College Computer Science # # # Explanation video: # Calculate Miles Per Gallon print('This program calculates mpg.'

Source Code: Simple Caculator by Making Functions '' Program make a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply and divide using functions '' # This function adds two numbers def add(x, y): return x + y # This function subtracts two numbers def subtract(x, y): return x - y # This function multiplies two numbers def multiply(x, y): return x * y # This function divides two numbers def divide(x, y): return x / y print('Select operation.' ) print('1.Add') print('2.Subtract') print('3.Multiply') print('4.Divide') # Take input from the user choice = input('Enter choice(1/2/3/4):') num1 = int(input('Enter first number: ')) num2 = int(input('Enter second number: ')) if choice == '1': print(num1,'+',num2,'=', add(num1,num2)) elif choice == '2': print(num1,'-',num2,'=', subtract(num1,num2)) elif choice == '3': print(num1,'*',num2,'=', multiply(num1,num2)) elif choice == '4': print(num1,'/',num2,'=', divide(num1,num2)) else: print('Invalid input') Output Select operation. 1.Add 2.Subtract 3.Multiply 4.Divide Enter choice(1/2/3/4): 3 Enter first number: 15 Enter second number: 14 15 * 14 = 210 In this program, we ask the user to choose the desired operation. Options 1, 2, 3 and 4 are valid. Two numbers are taken and an if.elif.else branching is used to execute a particular section. User-defined functions add(), subtract(), multiply() and divide() evaluate respective operations.

Number_1 = input('Enter your first number: ') number_2 = input('Enter your second number: ') After writing our two lines, we should save the program before we run it. We can call this program and in a terminal window, we can run the program in our programming environment by using the command python You should be able to type into the terminal window in response to each prompt. OutputEnter your first number: 5 Enter your second number: 7 If you run this program a few times and vary your input, you’ll notice that you can enter whatever you want when prompted, including words, symbols, whitespace, or just the enter key. This is because input() takes data in as and doesn’t know that we are looking for a number. We would like to use a number in this program for 2 reasons: 1) to enable the program to perform mathematical calculations, and 2) to validate that the user’s input is a numerical string. Depending on our needs of the calculator, we may want to convert the string that comes in from the input() function to either an integer or a float.

Is Your Retirement On Track? - Earn Double Points The AARP Retirement Calculator can provide you with a personalized snapshot of what your financial future might look like. Simply answer a few questions about your household status, salary and retirement savings, such as an IRA or 401(k). You can include information about supplemental retirement income (such as a pension or Social Security), consider how long you intend to work and think about your expected lifestyle as a retiree.

Commas outside the quotes separate terms, commas inside the quotes are printed. The first comma is printed, the second is used to separate terms. Print('Your new score is,', 1030 + 10) If quotes are used to tell the computer the start and end of the string of text you wish to print, how does a program print out a set of double quotes? For example: print('I want to print a double quote ' for some reason.' ) This code doesn't work.

Including a non-working spouse in your plan increases your social security benefits up to, but not over, the maximum.

Comments are important! (Even if the computer ignores them.) Sometimes code needs some extra explanation to the person reading it. To do this, we add “comments” to the code.

All the way up until the number of years_left is met The code I have now does mostly that except I think I either have a math error or a coding error (or both) that I can't seem to figure out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: def income(): while True: try: income = input('What is your current annual income? ') income = int(income) break except ValueError: print('Please only enter numbers') return income def homeowner(): yes = set(['y', 'Y', 'ye', 'yes', 'Yes', 'yeah']) no = set(['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'nope']) homeowner = None while True: homeownerchoice = input('Do you own or intend to own your property by retirement age? (y/n)') if homeownerchoice in yes: homeowner = True break elif homeownerchoice in no: homeowner = False break else: print ('Please answer yes or no') return homeowner def housecost(h): while True: if h == False: try: housecost = input ('How much does your rent or mortgage cost each month? ') housecost = int(housecost) break except ValueError: print ('Please only enter numbers') else: housecost = 0 break return housecost def bills(): while True: try: billcost = input('What is the combined monthly cost of your bills, not including Rent or Mortgage? N(i.e Electric, Gas, Water, Cable, Phone, etc) ') billcost = int(billcost) break except ValueError: print('Please only enter numbers') return billcost def age(): while True: try: userage = input('How old are you currently? ') userage = int(userage) break except ValueError: print('Please only enter numbers') while True: try: retiredage = input('At which age do you plan to retire?

I think you need to ensure the formula is correct: FV(t) = 5000 * (1.12 ** t) + 1000 * (1.12 ** t) + 1000 * (1.12 ** (t-1)) +. + 1000 * 1.12 = 5000 * (1.12 ** t) + 1000 * (1.12 ** t - 1) * 1.12 / 0.12 Then we can define a function: def fv(t, initial, annual, interest_rate): return initial * (1+interest_rate) ** t + annual * (1+interest_rate) * ((1+interest_rate) ** t - 1) / interest_rate Test: print fv(1, 5000, 1000, 0.12) print fv(3, 5000, 1000, 0.12) print fv(5, 5000, 1000, 0.12) Yields: 6720.0 10803.968 592 Till now the main work is done, I think you can handle the rest.

Python Programming Code to Make Calculator Following python program provides options to the user and ask to enter his/her choice to perform and show the desired result as output. # Python Program - Make Simple Calculator print('1. Addition'); print('2. Subtraction'); print('3.

') pension = get_number('How much do you currently have saved for retirement?

Sketchup free download with crack. When asking for input, we should include a space at the end of our string so that there is a space between the user’s input and the prompting string. Number_1 = input('Enter your first number: ') number_2 = input('Enter your second number: ') After writing our two lines, we should save the program before we run it. We can call this program and in a terminal window, we can run the program in our programming environment by using the command python You should be able to type into the terminal window in response to each prompt.

Almost every language has them. Because the backslash is used as part of an escape code, the backslash itself must be escaped. For example, this code does not work correctly: print('The file is stored in C: new folder') Why? Because n is an escape code. To print the backslash it is necessary to escape it like so: print('The file is stored in C: new folder') There are a few other important escape codes to know. Here is a table of the important escape codes: Escape code Description ' Single Quote ' Double Quote t Tab r CR: Carriage Return (move to the left) n LF: Linefeed (move down) What is a “Carriage Return” and a “Linefeed”?

Then it has no idea what to do with the commands for some reason and the quote and the end of the string confuses the computer even further. It is necessary to tell the computer that we want to treat that middle double quote as text, not as a quote ending the string.

We’ll add the two numbers within a print function so that the person using the calculator will be able to see the output. OutputPlease type in the math operation you would like to complete: + for addition - for subtraction * for multiplication / for division * Please enter the first number: 58 Please enter the second number: 40 58 * 40 = 2320 Because of how we structure the program, if the user enters% when asked for an operation at the first prompt, they won’t receive feedback to try again until after entering numbers. You may want to consider other possible options for handling various situations. At this point, we have a fully functional program, but we can’t perform a second or third operation without running the program again, so let’s add some more functionality to the program. Step 4 — Defining functions To handle the ability to perform the program as many times as the user wants, we’ll define some functions. Let’s first put our existing code block into a function.

Calculate your retirement savings and more Do you know what it takes to work towards a secure retirement? Use this retirement calculator to create your retirement plan. View your retirement savings balance and calculate your withdrawals for each year.

The computer will add one to x, but the result is never stored or printed. X + 1 The code below will print 5 rather than 6 because the programmer forgot to store the result of x + 1 back into the variable x. X = 5 x + 1 print(x) The statement below is not valid because on the left of the equals sign is more than just a variable: x + 1 = x Python has other types of assignment operators. They allows a programmer to modify a variable easily. For example: x += 1 The above statement is equivalent to writing the code below: x = x + 1 There are also assignment operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Print('A # sign between quotes is not a comment.' ) # print('This is a comment, even if it is computer code.' ) print('Hi') # This is an end-of-line comment It is possible to comment out multiple lines of code using three single quotes in a row to the comments. Print('Hi') '' This is a multi line comment. Nothing Will run in between these quotes. Print('There') '' print('Done') Most professional Python programmers will only use this type of multi-line comment for something called docstrings.

Adding a comment that says “Handle alien bombs” will allow you to quickly remember what that section of code does without having to read and decipher it. Video: The Assignment Operator How do we store the score in our game?

Where can I find a ISO download of Darwin? I downloaded Darwin at one time (even after they stopped releasing the ISOs) off of Apple's website. Unfortunately, I have no idea where the link went. Darwin.iso free download. The BSDBOX Project IRC Info: #bsdgeekclub @ @CyberpunkZ @UNIXn3rd Admin & Project Leaders This Proje. Download VMware Tools for OS X (darwin.iso) Previous File Chameleon ISO for mountain lion. Next File ASRock Z77 Extreme 4. Donation Goals. Hosting July 2018. Please donate to support the community. We appreciate all donations! Thanks $40.57 of $100.00 goal reached. Download darwin.iso. How to download and install Darwin 13 OS in x86? Where can I download a recent version of Darwin like 12, 11, or 10? I just found Darwin 8.0.1 here. 2) Can I download the source code and just compile it to ISO format? 3) Can you give me direct links? Answers will help me a lot for studying Objective-C (Java programmer here). Why the confusion, Fusion 7.0.1 was released 30th October 2014, the same time as Fusion 6.0.5, Workstation 10.0.4 and Player 6.0.4, hence a new darwin.iso. Share this comment Link to comment.

With this online calculator you can rapidly and conveniently: • Determine the face value of various combinations of FEGLI coverage. • Calculate the premiums for the various combinations of coverage, and see how choosing different Options can change the amount of life insurance and the premiums. • See how the life insurance carried into retirement will change over time. Instructions Enter the information below and click on the Calculate button to get a report on those choices. You may want to look at your paystub or and model the actual FEGLI coverage you currently have. You can then change your choices to see what difference the change(s) would make on the coverage and premiums. You will also be able to make a second calculation to see what would happen to this insurance coverage following retirement.